All-risk insurance: The ultimate protection for historic properties and the difference to “normal” buildings insurance

The preservation and protection of palaces, castles and historic buildings requires careful planning, comprehensive security measures and a reliable insurance solution. Historic buildings often not only represent a high cultural and architectural value, but are also valuable possessions that are exposed to various everyday risks. To protect owners from the potential dangers that come with owning such unique properties, a customized insurance solution is crucial. In this blog post, we will discuss why all-risk insurance offers comprehensive protection for historic buildings and what the differences are to traditional homeowner’s insurance.

The unique challenges of palaces, castles and historic buildings
Palaces, castles and historic properties have unique characteristics that are associated with specific challenges. They are often historically significant, have complex structures and house valuable works of art, books, furniture and collections. These significant features make them easily susceptible to potential risks such as fire, natural disasters, vandalism or other damage. The loss or breakdown of one of these valuable possessions can have devastating financial and emotional consequences for the owners.

Why ALL-Risk insurance?

All-risk insurance, also known as “all-risk insurance”, offers comprehensive protection for insured properties, covering both common and rare and unforeseeable loss events. In principle, everything is insured as long as it is not explicitly excluded. This form of insurance enables policyholders to protect their property and also to protect themselves financially in the event of rare and unforeseen damage.

The key aspect of all-risk insurance is that it also covers losses that neither the policyholder nor anyone else could have foreseen with the necessary care. This exceptional security gives owners the certainty that their historical objects are protected in every respect. Comprehensive insurance of this kind is particularly important for the protection of historical monuments, as historical buildings harbor special risks. With all-risk cover, a large number of insurance contracts for individual items or risks can be combined in one policy, which makes for clear and practical administration. Although calculating an all-risk cover can be challenging, there are special insurance policies that are tailored to specific risks and are often marketed under the name “multi-risk”.

Difference to normal buildings insurance

Traditional buildings insurance and all-risk insurance differ significantly in terms of their scope of cover and level of protection. While traditional building insurance usually covers basic risks such as fire, storm and water damage, all-risk insurance offers much more comprehensive protection. All-risk insurance goes beyond the typical risks and covers a variety of risks that are particularly relevant for historic buildings. This extended cover offers owners greater security and protects them against financial losses that may be associated with such specific risks.

The added value of all-risk insurance with KOTAX for historic buildings

In addition, KOTAX all-risk insurance offers the advantage of a customized insurance solution for every historic building. A comprehensive risk analysis identifies the individual risks and requirements of the property in question, and the insurance policy is adapted accordingly. This enables policyholders to obtain customized protection for their valuable possessions and feel fully covered. KOTAX’s expertise in monument protection and historic buildings also ensures that policyholders benefit from professional and sound advice.

Possible scenarios for all-risk cover

In our blog post, we would like to explain the benefits of all-risk insurance for historic buildings and illustrate them with three practical examples.

Catering accident on a stone staircase

Let us now consider the incident of a catering accident on a stone staircase, where cooking oil is spilled due to carelessness and property damage is caused. In such a situation, all-risk cover proves its extraordinary efficiency by not only covering known risks, but also unforeseen events such as this incident. Thanks to this comprehensive cover, owners can have the damage settled at replacement value, enabling them to recover the damage without any financial penalty. There is also the possibility of recourse against the caterer’s liability insurance if the caterer is responsible for the incident. This will ensure that the listed stone staircase is restored to its original splendor and that its inestimable historical value is preserved. Such comprehensive insurance solutions offer the owners of historic buildings the security they need to preserve and protect their valuable cultural treasures with certainty.

Vandalism of my property

Another example concerns malicious damage such as vandalism. Suppose young people spray the castle walls with graffiti. Thanks to all-risk insurance, owners are also financially protected in such cases. The insurance will step in and cover the costs of repairing and restoring the building. The comprehensive cover ensures that the valuable cultural heritage is protected, even against rare and unforeseen cases of damage such as vandalism.

Antique box falls over

An unfortunate incident occurs during the transportation of an antique box. A box tips over, damaging both the wood of the box and the adjacent wall. In addition, the fresco on the wall is partially destroyed. Such damage is not normally covered by conventional building insurance policies. An all-risk insurance policy not only covers the damage to yourself, but also the necessary restoration of the wall painting, provided this was specified when the application was made.

These exemplary scenarios illustrate the extraordinary importance of all-risk insurance for monument protection. It not only offers comprehensive protection against known hazards, but also protects historic buildings against unforeseen events. In the event of damage, this specialized insurance solution enables restoration in line with monument protection regulations so that the valuable cultural treasures are preserved in their original splendor. With all-risk insurance, owners of historic buildings can fulfill their responsibility to preserve their cultural heritage and preserve the significance of their buildings for future generations.


KOTAX’s all-risk cover provides the ideal solution for historic properties and large landowners looking for comprehensive protection for their valuable possessions. With their specialized cover, individual risk analysis and extended options, they offer added value that goes far beyond conventional insurance policies. Contact us today to get a customized insurance solution and ensure the comprehensive protection your valuable possessions deserve.


KOTAX, KOTAX Heritage, all-risk insurance, castles, large landowners, comprehensive protection, risk analysis, valuation, extended coverage options, emergency support, added value, historic buildings, value preservation, financial security


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