Farm & Forestry
Agriculture and forestry are currently among the sectors of the economy that are suffering the most from the effects of advancing climate change.
Periods of heat, prolonged drought, extreme weather events, the increasing tendency towards natural disasters and rampant pest infestations are presenting farmers and foresters with ever greater challenges and are increasingly jeopardizing the economic existence of businesses.

With around 350,000 hectares of insured land, we are the clear market leader in Austria when it comes to competent insurance system solutions for farmers and foresters.
With special products, such as index-based insurance for special liability insurance for farmers and foresters, we offer comprehensive options for reliable cover – including hunting liability insurance for all major hunting risks.
Our insurance products

Special liability insurance for agriculture and forestry
We have developed unique and comprehensive liability protection for farmers and foresters.

Hunting liability insurance
We offer hunters comprehensive liability insurance.

Hunting liability insurance
We offer hunters comprehensive liability insurance.
Contact person
If you have any questions on this topic, please contact our specialist:
Thomas Kaufmann
Phone: +43 3383 300 67

Online application
You can apply for liability insurance for hunters online right here.